With Her Mouth Wired Shut
One of the most inspiring moments of my life happened a couple of years ago.
I was a physio working with a patient in intensive care who had been the victim of a hijacking. She was shot 5 times and one of those bullets fractured her jaw.
In surgery her jaw was repaired and immobilized. Meaning that her mouth was literally wired shut.
Yet, she still managed to crack a smile.
Signaling that she was still here and ready to fight, to get better.
And guess what, it’s really easy to help someone who want to help themselves.
She recovered amazingly well.
We bid her farewell as she made her way to rehab until she regained her full strength.
It’s our duty to help our fellow human beings. Sometimes the situation won’t be ideal and that should not dissuade you.
But always keep in mind that making yourself helpable goes a long way.
This means :
Asking for help
Taking initiaitve
Acting on good advice
Be ‘helpable’.